relates both the emotional and the physical, if it is to be considered genuine.

"I realize that the so published replies are all personal, answering the question: "Why are you a Lesbien?"; but I am disappointed, and even dismayed, that not one of these replies gave any oognizance to the basic, fundamental factor comprising Lesbianism itself. These "reasons" that you listed are just that: reasons, superficial explanations. The true Lesbian, when queried, cannot tell you "why" in so many glib phrases. She surely recognizes that she is; but the "why" of it evades her To illustrate further, ask a heterosexual man "why" he is a man, and you will encounter the identical blank stare that the genuine Lesbian will give you. Ask a heterosexual woman "why" she is a woman, and you will obtain the same result. And while it may be true that the se people can uncover physical evidence to support their claims, this is not the evidenco we are asking. We are not looking for physical evidence; we are asking "why?" Perhaps the question itself is an unfair one. Perhaps there is not one of us who can really answer "why?" In fact, the true Lesbian should not even consider the "why" of it. It is enough for her that it is. She does not know the answer to "why?", and she cares less. She is a Lesbian, and she enjoys being sincerely what she is. Why? Who cares "why"? In my opinion, the less squirming we Lesbians do, the better for all concerned. Delve if you must; soul-search, if that is your pleasure; but keep it on the level of less torturi ng subjects. are. That is "why" enough. Living as we are, without shame ready to accept our peculiarities along with the rest of humanity, we should find enough happiness to last a little while, anyway. Asking "why" could lead to unhappiness if we pursue this too far, and too deep. "Why" is an unanswerable question. "But I like what I read on Page 13 of this same issue, June 1960. Georgina Lloyd wrote: 'But I have ne ver been able to cure myself of what I am...a masculine soul, with masculine desires, in a feminine body.' To this statement I would like to add my hearty and sincere 'Amen!'n



Jay Wallace, New York